
Requirement: REDDOXX Desktop must be installed.

REDDOXX Desktop can be started via the desktop icon, for example.

The login takes place in a few steps:

  1. enter the host name or the IP address of the appliance (without http or https).
  2. select whether all certificates of the appliance are permitted when establishing the connection (may be necessary if the appliance has not yet been installed with an SSL certificate)
  3. click on Connect
  4. Enter the user name, the corresponding password and the login realm
  5. Complete the logon with Logon

If the error "Error invoking remote method .... unable to verify first certificate" appears during login, the utility cannot verify the certificate.
This is usually due to the use of SelfSigned certificates, because the library of the utility does not know the certificate chain.

As a solution either "Accept Any Certificate" can be used for the login, or in the settings.json (in the path "%appdata%\REDDOXX Desktop") the path to the CA certificate is specified.
The necessary parameters are exemplarily as follows (the double backslash is important here):
"caCertificatesFile": "\\\\file-server\\share\\certificates\\my-ca-certificates.pem"
In addition REDDOXX Desktop also looks for a ca.pem file in the installation path ("%AppData%\REDDOXX Desktop\ca.pem")